The Temple Project Part 2
Part 2: God is Building Us! When you think God is amazing for building us into individual temples for Him, He shows us that as His people, we create a larger, cohesive temple for Him to dwell: the church. His presence in us becomes multiplied exponentially as we gather together in His name, The individual …
Pioneer Part 3
Four hundred years. Biblically speaking, that’s ten generations. That’s how long it had been since a fresh word from God. Israel had fallen into a dry, oppressive system of following rules – many rules that no one could possibly keep. The heart of the Law had gotten lost in the letter of the Law. …
Life in Abundance
Have you ever felt like you just want to leave your environment and start over? Many of us do! We look for the best version of our lives. Sometimes a change of venue, whether it be a new living space, a new city, or a new job, can bring a brighter future. The question is, …

When God Says, “Here I Am.”
In the last blog post, we talked about how a childlike attitude and humble heart respond to God, saying, “Here I am.” There are times when God Himself says, “Here I am.” The good news is that we live in a new covenant, or agreement with God – when we invite Him to be our …

Welcome to my blog!
Thank you for visiting! I’m excited you have chosen to grow in your faith by spending time with God each day. He has something good in store for you! The I AM devotional is designed to help you experience a different aspect of His character and personality in each of the 40 devotionals. It also …