The Power of Abigail
Influence You could say Abigail was an influencer in her day. She had a lot of power behind the scenes. When she needed it, she had power in the face of uncertainty, danger, and difficult circumstances. In fact, her difficult circumstances most likely led her to seek God for that power and influence. We find …
The Power of Meekness
“ “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.” (Matthew 5:5) Just like all truths in the kingdom of God, we have to look at this truth with spiritual eyes. In our human minds, we see this and think, “Oh, so I need to let people overpower me to be blessed and to …
Like a Little Child
God has always sought out children and those with childlike humility. The more we realize He’s God and we’re not, the easier it is to posture ourselves to hear from Him. With that heart attitude, we’re open to what He has to say. The child Samuel in the Bible heard from God at a young …