The Power of Abigail
Influence You could say Abigail was an influencer in her day. She had a lot of power behind the scenes. When she needed it, she had power in the face of uncertainty, danger, and difficult circumstances. In fact, her difficult circumstances most likely led her to seek God for that power and influence. We find …
The Temple Project
Part 1: What is God Building? It is my distinct pleasure to remind you that God is building YOU! That’s right, you are a beautiful work in progress, no matter how it looks and feels to you right now, Each and every trial, tribulation, victory, and failure are part of His plan to build you …
Have you ever seen something many times, and then suddenly see it for what seems like the first time? So it is with the things of God. He’s always around us, leading us, and showing us the best way, and we don’t always see it. He’s often subtle, and reveals Himself to those whose eyes …
Life in Abundance
Have you ever felt like you just want to leave your environment and start over? Many of us do! We look for the best version of our lives. Sometimes a change of venue, whether it be a new living space, a new city, or a new job, can bring a brighter future. The question is, …

When God Says, “Here I Am.”
In the last blog post, we talked about how a childlike attitude and humble heart respond to God, saying, “Here I am.” There are times when God Himself says, “Here I am.” The good news is that we live in a new covenant, or agreement with God – when we invite Him to be our …

Welcome to my blog!
Thank you for visiting! I’m excited you have chosen to grow in your faith by spending time with God each day. He has something good in store for you! The I AM devotional is designed to help you experience a different aspect of His character and personality in each of the 40 devotionals. It also …